College of Education and Learning Design

Student Teaching and Field Experience

Where Preparation and Opportunity Meet 

Each semester, 临床经验办公室致力于为我们的教育学生提供数百个高质量的实地经验和学生教学职位. 不仅仅是满足毕业和执照的要求, 你的实习将扩展你的知识内容和创新的教学方法. 当你从刚毕业的学生过渡到新的教育者, 你们将以丰富全州学生思想所需的技能和信心来实现这一目标.   

我们的办公室与明尼苏达州的100多所学校密切合作. 我们的合作伙伴关系使我们的工作人员能够根据您的教学偏好和理想的课堂环境进行实习.  

Student Teaching Eligibility 

As a student teaching applicant, you must: 

  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 
  • 满足所有课程和专业教育要求 
  • Provide proof of liability insurance (see FAQs) 
  • Sign a student teaching contract 
  • 成功通过 主办地区要求的犯罪背景调查 
  • 完成至少12个学时的居住在圣. Cloud State University prior to student teaching 
  • 同意并遵守相应的学生教学手册中列出的期望 

As part of admission to student teaching, 教育与学习设计学院保留考虑个人素质的权利, general health, scholastic achievement, conduct, or other standards related to effective teaching. 

Teacher Candidate Process

在你开始学生教学之前,你需要完成150-300小时的现场经验. During this time, 你会逐渐熟悉课堂环境, observe students and teaching methods, and microteach to gain first-hand experience.   

In the 16 weeks of student teaching that follow, 你将和你的指导老师一起工作,测试你的技能.  

Teacher Candidate Applications

在你打算使用InPlace进行教学之前的一个学期申请实习, 帮助协调临床经验的在线工具. From there, 我们的学生教学协调员将审核您的证书, send out your application, and, once approved, look for a placement where you’ll thrive.  


  • Teacher candidate preferences  
  • Proximity to home location   
  • Transportation accommodations   
  • Disability accommodations  
  • Licensure scope  
  • Conflicts of interest (Ex. schools where parents work or siblings attend)   

Receiving Your Student Teaching Placement

在本学期的最后一周,学生的教学实习将通过InPlace发布. 考生在进入课堂之前需要完成犯罪背景调查(CBC)和学生教学指导.  

寻找如何给你的上司留下好印象的建议 cooperating teacher and new students? The Office of Clinical Experiences is available to help.   

Requirements During Your Student Teaching Placement 

The student teacher must:  

  • Meet Teacher Performance Assessment ( EdTPA ) requirements as mandated by the state of Minnesota  
  • 熟悉并遵循学生教学手册(见下文)中概述的期望。  

Teacher Candidate Resources

Child and Family Studies

Elementary Education

Special Education

Secondary Education

Alternative Opportunities

Teacher Candidate and Field Experience FAQs

When and Where Do I Apply for Student Teaching?





How Do I Obtain Professional Liability Insurance?

When Will I Find Out My Placement?

When Do I Apply for Teaching Licensure?

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