Financial Aid Office

关键术语 & 定义

关键术语 & 定义 have been clustered into the following Topic Areas:


Account Username and Password (FSA ID): username and password used to log in to all Federal Student Aid products and tools on

贡献: any individual required to provide signature and consent on the FAFSA® form, including the student; the student’s spouse; a biological or adoptive parent; or the parent’s spouse (stepparent).

FAFSA FTI同意: formal approval granted by an 申请人 and any applicable contributors for a given FAFSA cycle (e.g., 2023年12月至2025年9月(2024-25年FAFSA表格)检索并使用FTI来确定申请人的联邦财政援助资格,并允许该部向符合条件的机构重新披露FTI, state higher education agency, or a designated scholarship organization for the application, 奖, and administration of student aid programs. An 申请人 and contributor (if applicable) must provide consent once each year. If FAFSA FTI consent is not provided, the student will not be eligible for any Title IV aid until the appropriate consents are provided.

FAFSA Submission Summary: 取代学生援助报告(SAR)作为学生的输出文件,提供FAFSA表格上的数据输入摘要.

家庭规模: replaces the term “household size” on the FAFSA form. It captures the appropriate number of family members and dependents in the 申请人’s household, 1986年《威尼斯人官网》第152条所指的个人或1986年《威尼斯人官网》第24条所指的符合资格的个人.

Federal Tax Information (FTI): is the data and information related to federal tax paying. 它包括直接从美国国税局收到的或通过授权的次要来源(如美国国税局)获得的申报表或申报表信息.S. Department of Education pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 6103(l)(13). FTI还包括收款人从联邦申报表中获得的任何信息,或从国税局收到的申报表信息,或通过授权的二级来源获得的任何信息. Other return information considered FTI includes the taxpayer's name; mailing address; identification numbers including Social Security number or employer identification number; any information extracted from a return, including names of dependents or the location of a business; information on whether a return was, 正在, or will be examined or subject to other investigation or processing; information contained on transcripts of accounts; the fact that a return was filed or examined; investigation or collection history; or tax balance due information.

Manually Provided Taxpayer Information: information from a tax return or the return itself that is provided and entered by a taxpayer, 申请人, or contributor on the FAFSA, either because the tax information was not received from the IRS, or because the contributor filed a foreign tax return.

Negative Student Aid Index (Negative SAI): 学生资助指数(SAI)可以是一个负数(低至-1500),各院校可以使用该指数来确定最需要经济援助的学生. Note that when packaging a student for Title IV need-based aid, a negative SAI is converted to a 0 SAI in the packaging formula. For more information, see Student Aid Index (SAI) definition below.

Primary or Custodial Parent: for a dependent student whose parents are divorced or separated, 主要父母或监护人是提供学生大部分经济支持的父母,并且需要在FAFSA表格上提供他们的信息(如果适用,他们的配偶的信息).

Provisionally Independent Student: 如果学生表明他们有不寻常的情况或第一次表明他们无人陪伴和无家可归, or at risk of being homeless (without a designation from a specified entity), FPS将认为学生暂时独立,并允许他们以独立学生的身份填写FAFSA表格. 在学生的学院或职业学校做出最终决定之前,SAI将是临时的,而不是正式的. ISIR将有一个特定的拒绝代码,将要求财政援助管理员(FAA)审查, 如果适用的话, confirm the student’s independent status. The FAA will determine if the student’s circumstances make them eligible to apply independently and, 如果是这样的话, make any necessary updates to formally make the student independent.

Student Aid Index (SAI): 取代预期家庭贡献(EFC),作为对学生在特定奖励年度为其高等教育贡献的大致财务资源的正式评估.


食宿: replaces the terms “room and board” as a component within a student’s 出勤费用 (COA).

Other Financial Assistance (OFA): 在考虑其他援助以确定学生的需求和非需求经济援助金额时,用于代替估计经济援助(EFA)的术语.

Packaging Formulas: need-based formula includes the following new terms (COA minus SAI minus OFA = Need); while the non-need-based formula now includes the following (COA minus OFA = Non-Need Eligibility).

Federal Pell Grant Program Eligibility

Enrollment Intensity: the percentage of full-time enrollment at which a student is enrolled, rounded to the nearest whole percent used to determine a student’s annual Pell Grant 奖. 例如, if full-time enrollment is 12 or more credit hours and the student is enrolled in 7 hours, the enrollment intensity would be (7 ÷ 12) × 100% = 58%.

Maximum Pell Grant Eligibility: ability of a student to receive a maximum Pell Grant (amount determined annually by Congress) which depends on annually published federal poverty guidelines; the U.S. tax return adjusted gross income (or the equivalent for foreign tax filers); state of legal residence; family size; and tax filing status.

Minimum Pell Grant Eligibility: 根据每年公布的联邦贫困指导方针,学生获得最低佩尔助学金的能力, Adjusted Gross Income (or the equivalent for foreign tax filers), state of legal residence, 家庭规模.

Restoration for Discharge: 由于符合条件的借款人辩护或其他符合条件的贷款解除,佩尔助学金资格在共同发起和支付(COD)系统中恢复. 移民部通过调整终身使用资格(LEU)百分比来恢复资格.

Special Rule for Pell Grants: 为父母或监护人在9月11日或之后作为武装部队现役成员服役期间因故死亡的学生提供新的或修改的资格标准,取代伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金(IASG)和阵亡英雄子女奖(CFH), 2001年或在处理年度的1月1日时未满33岁,正在担任和履行公共安全人员职务. Eligible students will receive a maximum Pell Grant regardless of their SAI.

Student Aid Index Calculated Pell Grant Eligibility: maximum Pell Grant minus the Student Aid Index rounded to the nearest $5 (not to exceed COA). 对于计算出的SAI高于相应奖励年度的最高佩尔助学金,或计算出的佩尔助学金金额低于该奖励年度的最低佩尔助学金的申请人, the 申请人 is not eligible for a Pell Grant unless they qualify for a minimum Pell Grant 奖.

Professional Judgement (PJ)

Special Circumstances: 特殊或可减轻的情况(如失业),影响学生的经济状况,并支持财政援助管理员根据具体情况调整COA或SAI计算中的数据元素.

Unusual Circumstances: 证明财政援助管理员对学生的依赖状态进行调整的条件, commonly referred to as a dependency override, based on an unusual situation (e.g., human trafficking or parental abandonment).