Counseling and Psychological Services



Group counseling can be a great choice for individuals who want to improve themselves with respect to interpersonal relationships, assertiveness, mood or emotions, and many other areas. Groups are facilitated by one or two counselors and usually consist of about 5-8 students with similar concerns who meet regularly during a semester and use the time to learn from one another’s experiences, receive and provide feedback and support, practice skills, and gain confidence in themselves.

Group Offerings - Fall 2023

Brain Matters

Brain Matters is a 10-week virtual workshop to start the semester off right. It blends education about brain function, self-assessment of strengths and problem areas, and discussion of strategies and tools for improvement in psychological and academic functioning. Each week there will be a brief psychoeducational bit of learning about the brain and then more open group sharing of ideas to help each participant develop their own plan for improvement and accountability. Topics include: The SELF Inside, To Choose or Not to Choose, Attention! (or not), and many others. Sign up to learn why your Brain Matters.
Meeting Day/Time: Tuesdays 11-12 p.m., Location: Atwood Maple Room

Understanding Self & Others

This in-person group offers members the opportunity to increase self-awareness, gain confidence, and improve how they relate to others. It is intended to be a safe and supportive place to hear from others and try out new ideas and ways of being. Building and maintaining healthy identity and relationships can also be helpful in improving mood, managing anxiety, and dealing with long held struggles as well as day-to-day stress.
Meeting Days/Times: Wednesdays 1-2:30 p.m. & Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m., Location: Eastman Hall

Sexual Trauma Recovery

The Sexual Trauma Recovery Group is a supportive & confidential group that can help women cope with their emotions surrounding the trauma. Participants will be able to share their experience, recognize that they are not alone, understand the current impact of this experience on their lives, and begin to process feelings and beliefs associated with the trauma. The group is open to women seeking support from others as they journey through recovery from sexual trauma toward a new sense of wholeness.
Meeting Days/Times: TBD, Location: Eastman Hall

Questions? Call 320-308-3171 or email:

Interested in group counseling?

Contact us at 320-308-3171, visit Eastman Hall 305, or speak with your counselor.

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